Welcome, Willkommen, Bienvenue, Benvenuto
Welcome to Paul's Beer Crew beer reviews. Here we sample all the different craft beers we can get our hands on, Pilsners, Stouts, Barleywines... you name it, we try it. Our ratings are based on a scale of one to ten- ten being the best, one- the worst. Our tastings are done on the first Saturday of the month at 11p.m. at Mr Paul's Chophouse in Roseville, Michigan and are based on NOSE, COLOR, IBU’s, HOPS & MALT, HEAT (alcohol content),and PACKAGING. Guests are welcome to partake, just check our lists and try to bring a brew we have not rated. The newest ratings are updated on Sunday, and dated in orange on the Hit List, Category Sheet, and Brewery List. The Hit List is all the brews from best to worst, The Category Sheet is all the brews grouped by style, and the Brewery List is all the brews grouped by their respective brewery. Also, check out our Recipies page for food recipies from our tastings, our Photo Albums, and Cool Beer Links toward the bottom of our page. Clicking on the blue Hit List, Category Sheet, and Brewery List tabs will take you to the standings so, read what we've done and give em a try... see if you feel as we do.
The Hit List Category Sheet Brewery List Recipie's Page

Mr Paul's Chophouse proudly offers a wide variety of Craft Beers ranging from standard to seasonal to limited reserve

Cool Beer Links { Breweries, Restaurants, Stores, & Pubs }
Atwater Block Brewery Avery Brewing Co. Shipyard Brewing Co. Thirsty Dog Brewery Kuhnhenn Brewing Co. Stone Brewing Co. Mikkeller Brewing Co.
Flying Dog Brewery Allagash Rouge Brewery Lagunitas Brewing Co. Bell's Brewery Dogfish Head Brewery Founders Brewing Co. Mr Paul's Chophouse
Anderson Valley Brewing Co. Goose Island Beer Co. Leinenkugel Brewing Co. Arcadia Ales Dragonmead Brewery Arbor Brewing Co. Voodoo Brewing Co.
Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales Leelanau Brewing Co. New Holland Brewing Co. Champane's Wine Cellar North Coast Brewing Co. Great Lakes Brewing Co.
The Brewery Original Gravity Brewing Co. Detroit Beer Co. Ashley's Merchants New Glarus Brewing Co. North Peak Brewing Co. Crunchy's
Motor City Brewing Works Unibroue Horny Goat Brewing Co. Breckenridge Brewing Cave Creek Chili Beer Yeungling
Heavy Seas Beer Brewery Ommegang Brewdog Chimay Frog Island Brewing Co. Bad Brad's BBQ Huber & Breese Music Cap & Cork

"The Boys"

"The Legend" Paul, "Hippie" John, "Lil" Pete, "The Enforcer" Chris, "Not Here" Dave,
"Stylin" Tom, and "Capboy" Big Pete

Latest Tasting Album
Photo Archives 
Road Trip Album Brew Party Album

"The Crew"

E-mail us at Paul's Beer Crew@hotmail.com

